Emotions & Eating with Nicola Beer
Nicola BeerWelcome to Emotions and Eating with Nicola Beer. Nicola controlled her feelings using food for 25 years. So she knows how draining it is to be constantly thinking about or acting out with food. Thankfully having made an amazing breakthrough in her recovery, her mission became about helping others escape the unsatisfying cycle of frustration and self-medication with food and destructive food behaviours. Nicola is determined to help find your inner strength, so you can be healthy, gain confidence, feel great and be at peace with yourself and food....
FREE --- 5 Part Audio --- Learn the 3 Secrets to Stopping the Unsatisfying Cycle of Frustration & Self-Medication with Food and Destructive Food Behaviours---
-----Book Your FREE 30 Minute --- Peaceful Eating Session--- with Nicola Beer--- using this link and Begin Your Journey to Greater Freedom and Peace With Food and Your Body Today
------To contact Nicola Beer visit www.nicolabeer.com or email her on nicola@purepeacecoaching.com
- No. of episodes: 92
- Latest episode: 2021-12-20
- Health & Fitness