Episode 27: Event Horizon with Johan
The Great Game · 2024-03-23
Cosmic horror and good game design! We spoke to Johan from Gothenberg megagames about Event Horizon.
Connect with Johan at Gothenberg Megagames Get a copy of the Event Horizon megagame for your local group (publishing this weekend, 23/24 March 2024!) Find us at The Great Game on Facebook and Discord Connect with Sydney Megagamers on Discord The Great Game logo by Jack McNamee using Logo designed by Jack McNamee using Earth Vectors by Vecteezy The Great Game Theme: Balrog Boogie, Diablo Swing Orchestra
The Great Game
Jack and Patrick talk about Megagames in the Australian environment - how it all started, how we do things down under, and how our players and designers find the world of megagaming.
The Great Game Theme: Balrog Boogie, Diablo Swing Orchestra
The Great Game logo by Jack McNamee using Earth Vectors by Vecteezy.