Episode 30: Den of Wolves with John
The Great Game · 2024-05-04
We finally sat down to chat with John Mizon, SW Megagames, about the infamous, iconic and world-renowened megagame of sci-fi politics and paranoia - Den of Wolves. Listen along if you'd like to hear about the game, how it came to be, and why it's so damned popular (well, I mean, we tried to answer that question)
Episode Links:
John is over running South West Megagames Buy Den of Wolves here Connect with, contact and follow us here The Great Game logo by Jack McNamee using Logo designed by Jack McNamee using Earth Vectors by Vecteezy The Great Game Theme: Balrog Boogie, Diablo Swing Orchestra
The Great Game
Jack and Patrick talk about Megagames in the Australian environment - how it all started, how we do things down under, and how our players and designers find the world of megagaming.
The Great Game Theme: Balrog Boogie, Diablo Swing Orchestra
The Great Game logo by Jack McNamee using Earth Vectors by Vecteezy.