Year One

Year One

Carnegie Learning

This August, many fresh college graduates are stepping into their classrooms for the first time. They knew what they were signing up for when they decided to be a teacher—but did they, really? While education is still a career many choose to pursue, just as many are dropping out of teaching, creating a nationwide teacher shortage.

Will these new teachers just become another statistic?

Meet Miss Jenna MacNulty, a first-year teacher in a bustling third-grade classroom. This year, she’s putting all her education and training into practice, and it’s not easy.

This is Year One, a podcast from Carnegie Learning that dives into one teacher’s exhilarating, challenging, and eye-opening journey of teaching for the first time.

Jenna has never envisioned herself being anything else other than a teacher. But will her passion for education shine through despite the trials she faces? Will Jenna return to teach for a second year?

We’re here to capture every moment and find out.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Year One?

There are 12 episodes avaiable of Year One.

What is Year One about?

We have categorized Year One as:

  • Education
  • Society & Culture
  • Documentary

Where can you listen to Year One?

Year One is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Year One start?

The first episode of Year One that we have available was released 10 July 2024.

Who creates the podcast Year One?

Year One is produced and created by Carnegie Learning.