Eating the Fantastic

Eating the Fantastic

Scott Edelman

I’ve been going to science fiction, fantasy, horror, and comic book conventions since I was 15, and I’ve found that while the con which takes place within the walls of a hotel or convention center is always fun, the con away from the con—which takes place when I wander off-site with friends for a meal—can often be more fun. In fact, my love of tracking down good food while traveling the world attending conventions has apparently become so well known that one blogger even dubbed me "science fiction’s Anthony Bourdain."

So I've decided to replicate in podcast form one of my favorite parts of any convention—good conversation with good friends over good food.

During each episode, I’ll share a meal with someone whose opinions I think you’ll want to hear, and we’ll talk about science fiction, fantasy, horror, writing, comics, movies, fandom … whatever happens to come to mind. (There’ll also be food talk, of course.)

Please note—this will not be a pristine studio-recorded podcast, but one which will always occur in a restaurant setting, meaning that mixed in with our conversation will be the sounds of eating and drinking and reviewing of menus and slurping and background chatter and the servers popping in … in other words, it’ll be as messy as life. And I hope you'll find it as entertaining, too.

Where can you listen?

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Questions & Answers

How many episodes are there of Eating the Fantastic?

There are 248 episodes avaiable of Eating the Fantastic.

What is Eating the Fantastic about?

We have categorized Eating the Fantastic as:

  • Arts
  • Fiction
  • Books

Where can you listen to Eating the Fantastic?

Eating the Fantastic is available, among others places, on:

  • Apple Podcasts
  • Podtail
  • Google Podcasts

When did Eating the Fantastic start?

The first episode of Eating the Fantastic that we have available was released 10 February 2016.

Who creates the podcast Eating the Fantastic?

Eating the Fantastic is produced and created by Scott Edelman.